Elizabeth Fry New Brunswick
About Elizabeth Fry New Brunswick:
Elizabeth Fry New Brunswick (EFryNB), a feminist, non-profit, charitable organization, is strengthening its approach to make a difference in the lives of criminalized and institutionalized women, youth, and gender-diverse people in our Saint John and New Brunswick communities. We offer supports in mental health, gender-based violence, substance use and personal counselling recognizing the intersectionality of multiple issues. We provide peer support, life skill development accompaniment through criminal, family and mental health court systems, release planning, social inclusion, support for exiting human trafficking and follow up care, record suspension application guidance, and education readiness. My Place Apartments, our community-based therapeutic housing model now has fully furnished homes for 15 residents
Our Mission:
EFryNB supports women and gender-diverse youth and adults who are impacted by the criminal justice system.
We reach out to those who are freeing themselves from the cycles imposed by poverty, mental health, addictions,
homelessness, gender-based violence and criminalization. Individuals we work with engage in education, personalized,
responsive services, and advocacy to move forward with hope and confidence from a position of strength.
How You Can Support Us:
EFryNB Board of Directors welcomes new Board members, particularly expertise in accounting, business, and event planning. As an organization that embraces diversity, we welcome Board members and volunteers who represent our communities with respect to urban and rural, language, culture, age, and gender-diversity.
If you are interested in human rights issues and the criminal, mental health and family courts systems, you are invited to join our volunteer court liaison team providing supports for women and gender-diverse individuals transitioning through our courts. Training is provided.
reflect our communities hroughout NB, rural and urban, French-speaking, language, race, culture, gender diversity.
Causes Supported:
Addictions & Counselling
Advocacy & Human Rights
Crisis Support
Education & Literacy
Homeless & Housing
Immigrants & Refugees
Justice & Legal
People with Disabilities
Race & Ethnicity
Addictions & Counselling
Advocacy & Human Rights
Crisis Support
Education & Literacy
Homeless & Housing
Immigrants & Refugees
Justice & Legal
People with Disabilities
Race & Ethnicity