The Organization Management area has a bunch of options - but once you're set up, you'll probably spent most of your time managing your Positions and Applications.
The Positions Tab is where you can review your currently recruiting Positions, manage applications, and create new Positions.
The Profile Tab is where you can manage your Organization's Online Profile - adding images, updating your Mission Statement and things like that.
When you're finished, click "Save" at the bottom of the form to commit your changes.
You can review the Causes this Organization supports under the Causes tab. Simple check the Causes you support.
When you're finished, click "Save" at the bottom of the form to commit your changes.
Review your preferences here. Please note that if your Organization's Privacy is set to "Private" it will NOT be viewable online.
When you're finished, click "Save" at the bottom of the form to commit your changes.
In this tab you can manage Users who have some control over your Organization's Profile and Volunteer Positions. Sometimes a team of people is better than just one!
Adding a new User
If you'd like to add another User to help manage your Organization, add the Email they used to register with Greater Saint John Volunteer Connector to the Email field, and select the Permissions they should have.
When you're finished, click "Save" at the bottom of the form to commit your changes. The User will be added to your Organization and can now see it under their "My Organizations" tab.
Managing Users
On this tab you can also see all Users who are part of this Organization. As an Administrator you're able to edit their permissions, and even remove them from your Organization. Simply use the Dropdown Menu to find and apply your changes.
Who doesn't love Statistics? On this page you can see an overhead view of who is viewing your Organization, and can help give you some impression of how popular you are on the Volunteer Connector.