Kids Help Phone
About Kids Help Phone:
Kids Help Phone is Canada’s only 24/7 e-mental health service offering free, confidential support to young people in English and French.
Our Mission:
The challenges facing young people in Canada have grown more complex, and youth need access to the supports that are most relevant to them. To achieve our vision, it’s critical that we meet these challenges — and quickly.
How You Can Support Us:
We are currently seeking event day volunteer support for our upcoming BMO Walk so Kids Can Talk, in 17 communities across Canada.
BMO Walk so Kids Can Talk is a 5 km, family friendly event that takes place on Sunday, May 7,2023 ! Support youth mental health and well-being in your community by volunteering on event day.
At Kids Help Phone, we are grateful to our committed and courageous volunteers, who are essential to achieving our mission - ensuring every young person has the support they need, in the way they need it most.
Causes Supported:
Addictions & Counselling
Children & Youth
Crisis Support
Local Community
Addictions & Counselling
Children & Youth
Crisis Support
Local Community